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发布人:test  发布时间:2005-09-29   浏览次数:17
 智能技术与自然语言处理实验室将于本周五(9月30号)晚6:00在新技术楼618会议室举行学术活动,会上由孙承杰博士为大家作报告,请全体师生准时到会参加! 此次报告会内容简要介绍如下:
Speaker:Sun Chengjie

Title:  Detecting Segmentation Errors in Chinese Annotated Corpus


        This paper proposes a semi-automatic method to detect segmentation errors in a manually annotated Chinese corpus in order to improve its quality further.A particular Chinese character string occurring more than once in a corpus may be assigned different segmentations during a segmentation process. Based on these differences our approach outputs the segmentation error candidates found in a segmented corpus and then on which the segmentation errors are identified manually. Segmentation error rate of a gold standard corpus can be given using our method. In Peking University (PK) and Academic Sinica (AS) test corpora of Special Interest Group for Chinese Language Processing(SIGHAN) Bakeoff1, 1.29% and 2.26% segmentation error rates are detected by our method. These errors decrease the F-measure of SIGHAN Bakeoff1 baseline test by 1.36% in PK test data and 1.93% in AS test data respectively.